Role: Writer | Director | Producer Production Type: Animated Series
Synopsis: A lone intergalactic warrior navigates a lawless cyberpunk galaxy seeking revenge.
AZUREUS: The Animated Series is the most badass CG animated series ever. After Covid-19 took over the world it was time to return back to my animation roots. Returning to Azureus was like a breath of fresh air and reignited my passion for animation that so many had tried to steer me away from. I had spent nearly a decade trying to convince the world of what Azureus could be and the potential of animation being used for more than just Disney/Pixar style productions.
The original team and I decided it was time to begin producing the series independently in order to retain creative integrity. Azureus is not the typical animated series. Our series features situations and subject matter not typical to CG animated TV shows. Rather than relying on cheap jokes and kid-centric stories, our goal has always been to tell a dramatic sci-fi epic full of many characters, settings, and twists. Stay tuned as we produce the series and release content on an on-going basis. Check back here soon or consider the links below to stay in touch:
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